Low Carb High Fat Recipes (LCHF)

The low carbohydrate high fat diet is described, somewhat humorously, by Andreas Eenfeldt M.D. A more scientific approach is taken by Phinney and Volek in their book The Art and Science of Low Carbohydrate Living. If you are uneasy about consuming so much fat then David Diamond nicely addresses this issue.

Ketones can be measured with a meter. Strips are best purchased on ebay. Take measurements in the morning before breakfast so that meals don't interfere. If you purchase the Precision Xtra this illustrates how to tear the strips.

0.1–0.4you're on your way!
0.5–0.9light ketosis
1.0–3.0 optimal ketosis

Values above 3.0 mmol/L provide no added benefit. Readings over 10 mmol/L are a symptom of ketoacidosis and indicate a lack of insulin. In this case see a doctor. I'm on a LCHF diet and my ketone levels indicate a light ketosis. This is fine for a LCHF diet but if you are on a Keto diet you should be in optimal ketosis. These days I seldom measure my ketone levels. All I do is monitor my weight and if it goes up I know I have fallen off the wagon. I have been on this diet since 2016.

A few recipes for sweets and side dishes are included in the following pages. The crème de la crème, so to speak.

Tom Niemann
Portland, Oregon